quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008


O futuro do livro: haverá uma mera transposição dos conteúdos tradicionais para o suporte online ou estaremos realmente perante um novo formato de literatura experimental que mistura várias formas de expressão artística através das tecnologias digitais?

“Bar a few notable exceptions (Penguin's wiki-novel or We Tell Stories project), traditional publishers have used the internet as a glorified marketing tool providing them with new ways of flogging the same old same old: e-books, Sony Readers, digi-novels, slush-pile outsourcing …”

“So far, the brave new world of digital literature has been largely anti-climatic. Meade himself confides that he is yet to be "seized by a digital fiction that is utterly compelling". I can but concur. Technology - the very stuff e-lit is made of - has also turned out to be its Achilles heel. The slow switch to broadband limits its potential audience, e-readers are only adapted to conventional texts - and when was the last time you curled up in bed with a hypertext? In spite of all this, Amerika may well be on to something when he claims that we are witnessing the emergence of a "digitally-processed intermedia art" in which literature and all the other arts are being "remixed into yet other forms still not fully developed". My feeling is that these "other forms" will have less and less to do with literature. Perhaps e-lit is already dead?”

- ler aqui o artigo completo no Book Blog do The Guardian.

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